Top Essential Gear for Any Beach Event
Warm weather is around the corner, and that means you’ll get that distinguishable itch to get some sand in between your toes and a salty breeze through your hair.
Once you get the beach itch, there’s nothing you can do about it but actually, go to the beach. The seagulls and the sirens are calling your name. What can you do?
Keep in mind that you’re not alone. You, your buddies, and all the other people you share a world with but don’t really know — they’re all getting hit with similar symptoms:
- You start taking out the trash in flip flops rather than slippers.
- You switch your white noise machine from “distant storm” to “endless waves.”
- You begin reaching for the sea salt consistently as the table salt slips further back in the spice cupboard.
Since you’re all getting the same thoughts, the same urge to head to the coast (or the lake), and what if you all went to the beach together? Like a beach party? Or maybe even a beach event?
It’s a lot simpler than you think to put on an unforgettable beach get-together. Read on for the essential gear you need for your next beach event.
Vibes and Entertainment for Your Beach Event
When setting up your beach event, you have to remember that the beach itself is the main thing. Let the setting work for you, not against you. Beach balls are a good idea; eclectic guitar, probably not so much.
Here are the essentials you need for bringing vibes and entertainment to your beach event:
What Music Is Best for Beach Trips?
The crashing waves and the rush of the ocean are beautiful and relaxing sounds. You can listen to it and let it soothe you to sleep as you lay on your groovy beach towel.
But as people gather and start hanging out, some additional background music is a nice touch to compliment the setting. Whether your event calls for a live music performance or just some 60’s rock from a portable speaker, your music gear and our hot summer playlist (check out Liam Berkeley x FUNBOY Leisure Club mix) are essential parts of the party.
Why Do You Need an Easy Up/Pop Up Canopy?
Soaking in the sun is part of the fun, but it’s always nice to have someplace to catch a bit of shade for a sec. Maybe put on some more sunblock.
An easy-up will provide a decent amount of shade for a few people at a time, and it’s also a good place to keep things you don’t want to sit in the sun all day.
If your event requires some sort of checking in, like a beach 5k, or a sandcastle competition, you need shade for that individual. They are doing the grunt work, so they should be treated like the heroes they are.
An easy-up/pop-up tent is better than an umbrella because you can also fit a table and chair under there for them. We do love an umbrella, but they are more of a flying-solo item.
What Beach Games Are the Most Fun?
Beach games. Essential. Even if they aren’t the main feature of the event, people will always want to play games at the beach. The nice thing is that most beach games don’t require a whole lot to get going.
Bring one of those mesh bags from PE class with all the balls in it. Put a frisbee, football, and volleyball in there for sure. On low wind days, go creative and pull out that on-theme puzzle.
What Lounge Items Should You Bring to the Beach?
One of the main things people go to the beach to do is lounge. Laying out in the sun: yes, please, and thank you.
People are going to want to do that at your beach event. They’ll bring their towels. Someone might even bring a towel with fringe on it. And they’ll love lying on the sand.
But what if they showed up to your beach event and found that there was something else to lounge on? Like, what if your beach kickback had a sort of living room vibe to it, with a sofa and everything.
Bring a sofa to the beach?
Yes, the inflatable lip sofa from FUNBOY. It’s easy to pack and transport; it seats multiple people and has a complete and absolute vibe. You can also take it to the water for a floating session.
Looking for the Best Floats?
This one is a quick and sure-fire way to make your beach event the hit of the summer. Imagine showing up to a beach shindig and finding a lineup of exciting inflatables for chilling on, floating on, and using as a great photo op to commemorate the event.
The only question is, does your beach event call for a Disco Dome, or is it more of a Golden Swan kind of feel?
Don’t Forget Your Beach Toys
Beach toys are nice, especially if younger kids are going to be at the event, but anyone can play with them. Some buckets, shovels, and disco beach balls won’t let you down.
Limited space? No problem. Deflate your beach balls and pack them neatly in your beach bucket.
Surf Those Swells
If there are decent waves, why not include surfing as part of your beach event? Maybe not everyone wants to surf, but those that do will be stoked about it.
Chances are, most of the people who want to surf will already have their own equipment. However, there might be others who would try it if they had the opportunity in front of them.
With those people in mind, and to ensure you get to see some award-worthy swells, see if you might be able to gather some spare boards and have them available for people to use.
Boogie boards are an alternative that might be a little easier to pull together and perhaps more appropriate, depending on the audience.
Beach Bonfires: Proceed With Caution
If possible, including a beach bonfire as part of your special event is the perfect way to extend the fantastic day into the night. As long as fires are permitted on the beach you’re headed to, gear to make a fire is essential.
You just need some logs, smaller wood to get it started, and some newspaper. You could also use a starter log or some lighter fluid if that makes it easier for you. Make sure to put out the fire completely before leaving!
Remember: safety protocol is the hottest part of the day.
Food and Drink for Your Beach Event
Not a lot better than the beach, but if there had to be one, it’s probably on the beach with food and a cold drink. There are many different ways you can go when it comes to food at your beach event.
Here’s a quick overview of the best options:
Food for Lowkey Beach Hangs
If it’s a get-together between a group of friends, it can be something quick and easy. Pack a classic picnic basket or a trendy beach bag.
You might also stop by a deli or a beachside pizza joint. Finding a local restaurant and just eating after is an option as well.
Food for the Big Beach Bash
If the event is larger or more formal, like a music and surfing festival, or a fancy engagement party, you might consider hiring a food truck or a catering service. If you want to get really fancy (or just really delicious), local, fresh-caught seafood is a treat many people love.
Keeping Cool Drinks Cold
Of course, you’re gonna have a seltzer and soda variety pack, but that doesn’t do any good if there’s no way to keep them ice cold. It would be even better if you keep them chilled in a way that pushes the theme of the gathering a little bit.
That’s where you can get creative with it. Like, instead of the ole’ cooler, what if you dug a massive pit in the sand and filled it with ice and your favorite drinks? Or, if you’re looking for a solution that both requires less work and yields a better result, what about the tropical palm inflatable cooler?
Top Beach Gear
Hopefully, now you have a good idea about what you need to get your beach event together gear-wise. If there are any essentials you don’t have, make sure to get the word out with your invitation for what others could contribute to making the event happen.
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