Learning How To Swim

July 22, 2021 6 min read

Swimmers aren't born but are made. That being said, if you got through your younger years without ever learning how to swim, it's very possible that even the slightest thought of getting into a pool can make you uncomfortable. Maybe even a little embarrassed? But don't worry - there are actually quite a few folks in the U.S.who can't swim. Heck, even celebrities, such as the one and onlyJohn Legend, have opened up about finally learning how to swim in their adult lives.

Basically, what we're trying to say here is that there is absolutely nothing to be ashamed of if you're not a strong swimmer. Swimming is a skill, and like all skills, it takes time and practice to master. No one was born with the ability to breaststroke or butterfly-like Michael Phelps right out of the womb. No sir. It takes hard work, dedication, and patience, but once you learn, trust us when we say you'll be glad you did.  

Ready to conquer your fears and take the first step (or stroke) in learning how to swim? Keep reading. 

Swimming 101: Everything You Need To Know 

The bees are buzzing, the birds are chirping, and the sun is shining. Ah, summer must be right around the corner! Can you already feel the warm sunlight kiss your skin? Can you smell the SPF 30? Let's face it - water is everywhere. From lakes and rivers to pools and the ocean, swimming is practically in our DNA.

But, as we mentioned above, it's not something that you're bornknowing how to do - it's a skill that you have to cultivate. And while it can be really scary at first, once you get the hang of it, swimming will be a breeze. Plus, it'll open the doors to so many awesome things like pool parties,luxurious inflatables, and fun water sports such as wakeboarding,tubing, and surfing. 

What's not to love? 

Step #1: First Things First. Recognize Your Fear 

There's a pretty good chance you've built up a fear of swimming over the years. There's also a good chance you won't realize you're afraid until you make an effort to get in the water. You may be scared because of a traumatic experience as a tiny tot, or perhaps you have an irrational fear of drowning.

Whatever the reason, just accept that this fear exists. Don't ignore it or pretend it's not real - once you accept your fear of swimming and that it's something you can overcome with a little time and practice, you'll be less likely to throw in the towel before you accomplish your goal. 

Fear is totally natural. In fact, fear is kinda our friend? (Ok, more like a frenemy.) But fear exists for a super good reason. According to Northwestern Clinical Psychologist Zachary Sikora,“Fear is our survival response.” That old amygdala in your brain is just trying to do you a solid by manifesting fear. But, with all due respect, amygdala, we’ve got this covered. 

Step #2: Save Your Peepers and Wear Goggles 

Sure, wearing goggles is optional, but you'll find it so much easier to see underwater, which may help to keep you at ease. Plus, goggles make swimming a million times more comfortable since they prevent the chlorine water from seeping into your eyes.

There are quite a few options when it comes to goggles, so be sure to find a pair that fits you comfortably and provides a good seal when worn underwater. 

Step #3: Start in the Shallow End 

It's really natural to harbor a fear of the water if you've spent little to no time in it. Thankfully, one way to overcome that fear is to simply start in the shallow end of the pool. There, you will be able to stand in the water, lowering and raising yourself according to your comfort level. 

Once you feel good, try holding your breath while your head is under the surface. You can also hold onto the side of the pool and let your legs float out behind you. Learning how to float is a great first step in conquering the water because if you ever find yourself in an unmanageable depth, you can always float on your back to help keep your head above water. 

Step #4: Practice Exhaling Underwater 

Once you feel a little more comfortable in the pool, take a deep breath and put your face underwater. Slowly exhale out through your nose until you're completely out of air before coming back up to the surface. Bubbles should come out.

Not comfortable exhaling through your nose? No worries - you'll get there! And until you do, you can hold it closed or wear a nose plug and simply exhale through your mouth instead. 

Once you're comfortable in the water, it's time to call in the pros!

Step #5: Sign Up For Lessons With a Pro 

Maybe you've built up the courage and decided to teach yourself how to swim, or your bestie has offered to teach you. While it's really admirable that you're determined to do it all on your own, we can't stress the importance enough of taking lessons with an experienced swim instructor. 

Despite what many people may think, it's a dangerous and common misconception that learning how to swim is super simple. But the truth is that swimming is not a natural instinct, and in the case of an emergency, having a pro to assist you is necessary.

Think about it - what would happen if you didn't perfect the art of back floating just yet and you accidentally drifted off into the deep end? A person can drown in less than60 seconds, and in some cases, it can take as little as a ½ cup of O to enter the lungs, which can ultimately lead to pneumonia.

Now, we're not trying to scare you by any means, but we do want you to be fully aware of the risks that can come from swimming without an instructor. Besides, with their professional help, other than ensuring that you're safe at all times, they'll also speed up the learning process by teaching you more swimming techniques than you would alone.

With an awesome swim instructor, you'll conquer your fear and be on your way to the next BBQ pool party in no time! 

Step #6: Keep Practicing and Stay Patient 

It's OK to get a little frustrated at times - we've all been there. Just remind yourself to keep practicing, and before you know it, you'll learn the skills you need to swim safely. 

It can take a couple of times in the water before you really start to feel comfortable, so schedule some time for your swimming lessons every few days and remember, practice makes progress! Also, keep in mind that when learning any new skill, the process isn't instantaneous.

Stay patient, stay dedicated, and understand making mistakes is perfectly normal. Otherwise, you could easily get frustrated and quit prematurely. If you mess up, simply take a deep breath, and try again. 

A Deep Dive into Swim Lessons 

Learning how to swim is a lot easier than you might think. However, it does take time, patience, and practice - after all, you weren't born a fish! But if you follow our six tips listed above, you'll be able to dive right into your swimming lessons with ease.

And once you feel comfortable in the water, so many exciting doors will open for you, leading to unforgettable adventures that you didn't even know existed due to your fear of swimming.

For instance, once you've mastered the skill of swimming, there are so many wonderful ways to enjoy your new skills. You can take a trip to the beach, local lake, or even hang out on your newinflatable Leisure Island orWater Hammock.

When you feel confident and safe in the water, blow up a super comfortable inflatable and drift peacefully (or splash your friends in a good-natured water war). You can even invite Fido alongon his own raft. Just make sure your fluffy good boys and girls havedoggy swim lessons too!

Once you learn how to swim, the options are endless with what you can do. And we couldn't be more excited for you!

Here atFUNBOY, we make luxury inflatables that are unlike any other on the market — high-quality and made to last. With proper TLC, you can expect your floaty to stick around for many summers to come.

Check us out today and get outside on the water tomorrow!


8 Truths About Drowning and 'Dry Drowning' Revealed | Hackensack Meridian Health

Red Cross Launches Campaign to Cut Drowning in Half in 50 Cities | Red Cross.

John Legend says he 'can't really swim,' so he's diving into lessons at age 40 | USA Today

5 Things You Never Knew About Fear | Northwestern Medicine

Can All Dogs Swim? How to Teach a Dog to Swim | American Kennel Club

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