Good things come to those who float.

Sledding Fun: 6 Ways To Have The Most Fun In The Snow

October 08, 2020 7 min read


Not everyone enjoys the chilly winter season. But despite the seemingly endless snowfall and early darkness, there are ways to make these colder months more fun. You just need the right mindset and the right plans. Because there probably was a time, back when you were a wee little one when you loved winter and everything about it. Try to tap into that nostalgia and see this magical season through your inner child’s eyes, because although these icy months can make driving a nightmare and going outside to endure the snow an extreme sport, winter is an extremely wonderful season. 

Think about it: It forces everyone to slow down with the natural drain on energy. It also makes it super convenient to cancel plans and become the cozy homebody that you’ve been dreaming of, staying indoors to snuggle up next to loved ones. So give in to the ways of winter and doing all the things Mother Nature expects you to do until the snow melts. Not sure how to have fun in the winter sun? Grab your sled and keep reading— here are six ways to have the most fun in the snow.


Pick Your Sled-Of-Choice Wisely 

It doesn't matter if you're 5 or 105; sledding is about the most fun that anyone at any age can have in the snow. A day on the local hill can keep the entire family occupied and laughing for hours. With so many types of available, you can find the perfect sled for any level of adventure. To really amp up the level of fun you have sledding, it’s wise to pick the right sled. 


If your mental image of a toboggan sled is one made of smooth wooden slats with a curved front that would look right at home in a hand-colored Currier and Ives print, you may need to get out more. Modern toboggans have come a long way since the classic design and are flat-bottomed sleds, typically inflatable or made of plastic. If your goal is to have an exciting shared-ride down the hill with your besties, then this sled is for you. A toboggan can easily carry four to five people down the hill and can be controlled with a little shift in weight from side-to-side. 

Toboggans | FUNBOY

FUNBOY has re-imagined the classic toboggan with their new Retro Plaid Toboggan and Winter Bloom Toboggan. These two new toboggans feature the classic toboggan shape in a new durable, compact version. The benefits of an inflatable toboggan is that they are lightweight and they are easily inflated and deflated to stick in the car. Better yet, FUNBOY’s inflatable toboggans feature an air-cushioned ride, which helps when you go over uneven or bumpy terrain (your bum will thank you). Rubber runners on the bottom of FUNBOY’s toboggan’s help the sled track straight downhill and provide added durability!  

Saucers. Consider yourself a speed demon? If so, a saucer sled is the right kind of sled for you! These super sleds are shaped in a circle and are able to fit one rider comfortably. They are quick, slick, and offer a much faster descent than toboggans, but due to their design, saucers are not as easy to control. If you plan on zipping down an open hill without many obstacles, a saucer sled is a great choice. 

For a modern take on saucers, try out one of FUNBOY’s inflatable Snow Tubes. They have the same rounded shape and offer a similar ride, but instead of hard, brittle plastic, you get a strong vinyl that’s inflated to help protect you on the ride down.

Runner Sleds.Runner sleds are a classic— they look cool and make for a great antique decoration to hang over the fireplace, but what about for sledding? Runner sleds usually have 2 to 4 metal blades (runners) on the bottom. However, since they are usually constructed with wood and metal, they can do more damage in a collision, so they are not ideal for busy sledding hills and may not be your best bet. 

Inflatable Sleds. Want to sled down the slopes in style? How does a retro snowmobile sound? You can get inflatable sleds in many varieties, including Snow Tubes, so there is a design for everyone at FUNBOY! 

Snowmobile | FUNBOY


Inflatable sleds are full of air, so they tend to be much more aerodynamic than other sleds on the market, making for a much faster descent. They glide effortlessly on the snow, and you can usually fit one or two people depending on the exact inflatable. Additionally, because these super sleds are full of air, they tend to be lightweight and are much easier to carry back up the hill for another ride. 

However, most inflatable sleds are fragile and prone to breaking, even if you’ve only taken them for a few rides. To avoid this problem entirely, try out one of FUNBOY’s inflatable sleds! They’re made of a super strong vinyl material that’s sure to keep you having fun, ride after ride. If your goal is to take a ton of Instagram-worthy pics while sliding and laughing uncontrollably down the slopes, look no further and get yourself an inflatable sled.   


Dress For Success

If you want to have hours of fun in the snow and avoid catching a cold, or even worse, hypothermia, dressing for the cold weather is of the utmost importance! Be sure to dress in at least three layers, with one being a waterproof shell. Remember, snow is water, and it will get you wet. Waterproof boots are a must, and cozy wool socks are recommended. Gaiters are a great way to keep snow from getting down into your boots or up into your pants. Tie, tuck, tape whatever you have to do, so snow doesn't creep in your crevasses and always avoid wearing cotton because it takes forever to dry. Say no to cotton and yes to wool. 

Hydrate, Hydrate, Hydrate 

Staying hydrated is an absolute must. Winter sports like sledding take a lot out of you, and the cold temperatures will often make you forget that you’re sweating. And believe it or not, hypothermia sets in much faster when you are dehydrated, so be sure to guzzle down extra H2O before you head outdoors and drink to keep you going throughout the day. Put together a hot drink kit so you can chill out and warm up whenever the time is right. Some things you can add to your kit include:

  • Metal coffee pot
  • Single portable burner
  • Gallon of H2O
  • Assorted instant coffee, tea, and hot chocolate
  • Cups and spoons
  • An insulated tote to carry it all
Shotski | Funboy

If you’re planning for a day outdoors without the little ones, don’t forget to pack your inflatable FUNBOY ShotSki for a superior shot-taking experience with your pals. A shot or two of whisky is sure to warm your spirit and makes for a great time in the snow. 


Protect Yourself From The Sun 

Nothing can ruin your day more than a painful sunburn. But it’s winter, so you don’t have to worry, right? Wrong! Believe it or not, on a sunny day in the winter, clean, fresh snow can reflect up to 90% of UV radiation. This means that you can be exposed to almost adouble dose of UV, both directly from the sun and reflected off snow-covered surfaces. And while most people think their rosy red cheeks are from windburn, there is actually no such thing. In fact, the red, stinging peeling people associate with the wind is actually a result of the sun’s UV rays. Simply put, it’s a sunburn. Your winter clothes should cover most of your body, but any exposed skin should be covered and smothered in a generous amount of broad-spectrum sunscreen with an SPF of 30 or higher. Additionally, your eyes need to be protected, too, with your favorite sunnies or snow goggles. Eye protection can help to prevent snow blindness, also known as photokeratitis, which is caused when UL levels damage the outer layers of the eye. This results in a temporary loss of vision and can lead to chronic eye conditions in severe cases.


Pick The Right Sledding Hill 

If you are looking to have the most fun in the snow, be sure to pick the right sledding hill. Avoid hills that have a ton of obstacles like rocks, trees, boulders, and fences. Also, be sure to avoid really icy areas as this can be hazardous to sled on. Additionally, you’ll want to stay away from roads, parking lots, lakes, ponds, rivers, etc. Find a sledding hill with a good amount of snow coverage with a long wide bottom to give you enough room to safely come to a halt following your descent. 

Be Prepared For More Than Just Sledding

If the local hill gets too busy or you just need a moment to catch your breath from climbing back up so many times, there are other fun winter activities you can partake in, such as building a snowman and starting a snowball war. Zipping down the hill on your favorite inflatable snowmobile sled is an absolute hoot, but to really maximize your fun, be prepared for more than just sledding. You can go snowshoeing, build a snow fort, or simply just relax on your innertube at the top of the hill and warm-up on some tasty hot cocoa. 


Final Thought 

Although winter brings frigid temperatures, which make many people miserable, this magical season has a lot to offer. So rather than staying indoors and praying for warmer days, bundle up and head outside with your favorite sled and enjoy the crisp winter air. 

Your snow day should be a day to remember forever. With a little proper planning and our six tips listed above, it surely will be an unforgettable one. 


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